Thursday, September 11, 2008

Cofee Break ver 1.35

This is my answer to Jan's coffee break...thanks Jan!

I am a strong believer in the power of prayer. In a persons life, each of us go through our own personal trials or struggles. But but how do we all deal with it? Again, we all have our own personal way of handling everything but I must say a common denominator is prayer. Whatever religion you believe in or you may have --- prayer is still the key to all our hardships.

After going through two miscarriages, it really tore me apart. I didnt know what to do or believe in. At the start I didnt understand why this was happening or what God was trying to convey. It was during my second miscarriage when I really felt broken --- such a heartbreaking experience for me at a certain point I just stopped praying. I'd have all these questions in my head and with my selfish ways --- I needed or demanded answers right away! One day after my D&C, I was at home resting, flowers were delievered to my house. It came from one of my best friends from college. The fowers were so colorful and bright, it really cheered me up. I will never forget that. This gesture made a big difference to what I was feeling at that time. Because of those flowers I realized how blessed I am. How lucky I am to have a very supportive husband, loving family and to have the best of the best of friends a girl could ever have. The same day I received the flowers, I started praying again. This time I wasnt praying to get pregnant again but for God to give me and Gin the strength to face the challenges that comes along with my difficulty in getting pregnant, the wisdom to understand all that has happened or will happen and of course forgiveness.

Months have passed and it was only recently that I understood what His reasons might be. This is because of the power of prayer. My belief and faith --- not to give up is what I am holding on to now. Everything happens for a reason. We may not get answers right away but in time He will make use understand eventually. He has bigger and better plans for us. We just have to be patient.

This is something I live by each day, "Do What You Can. Dont Give Up. Let God Surprise You." --- by Bo Sanchez Hope this is something all of you can also keep in mind. :-)


jan celiz-magtoto said...

sigh... such a reflective way to see things bunnie.=)

Anonymous said...

go go bunnie :)
keep the faith and everything else will follow.